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Our Services

Proven Results over 20 Years of Engineering Experience


Problem Solving and Mitigation

Protect Your Business

Our experts in Lean 6-Sigma and TPS techniques will quickly define, quantify, contain, and resolve the issue and get your business back on track.

In addition, robust implementation of these techniques up front will help mitigate issues, for a smooth and cost effective launch of new processes, or products to market.

Process Analysis and Improvement

Optimise Your Business

As businesses grow and change, processes rarely adapt, and quickly become inefficient resulting in wasted resources and/or poor quality.

Our implementation of Lean 6-Sigma and TPS tools will accurately assess your business processes, highlight inefficiencies, and propose robust and cost effective improvements.

Product Launch and System Engineering

Grow Your Business

Experts in ensuring from concept to physical production, that the product specification is clearly understood, communicated, and all departments are working on a common goal, to deliver the product as one team.

Sounds simple, but so often product launches result in massive prototype costs, re-tooling, and launch spikes in quality concerns due to poor alignment and communication across departments

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